Life has once again hit in full force... not that it ever stops for a moment. Currently, I'm back to teaching my 3 little ones full time, teaching a Grade 5 English Class starting next week, and my usual duties of caring for the school, staff, and the children. Needless to say, we take time for family when we can get it. I'm thankful for that. During this holiday break, we have taken a lot of time and it's been pretty awesome.
Today, we snuck away for a few hours and went to one of our favorite places nearby. At the Dam, there are many things to do: fish, swing, swim, soccer, etc. KG and her daddy usual go "hunting for pinecones"... but today I was the lucky one with the invite from little miss.
As we were hunting, KG noticed that I overlooked or threw down some that were broken. She looked at me and said, "Mom, why did you throw that one away?" I simply said "because it looks smooshed and broken."(Yes, i said smooshed) She said "but I want it, don't you?" So... with much conviction... I proceeded to go back and pick up the broken ones. In that moment, God whispered to me...
Do you want the broken ones?
Do you embrace brokenness I bring to your life?
Do you just want the things that look good, feel good, or that's perfect in your eyes?
Can't I... Don't I use the broken ones? The brokenness?
I just sat and reflected on the many things in my life that God has taken... broken to pieces... and redeemed.... and made completely beautiful. One of the biggest things that God brought to my thankful heart is my 2nd oldest son. He was broken. To the point some even said "I would never bring a child like that in my home." But now... if you could see him now... It's something only JESUS can do.... And it's only by God's power that we were able to walk through the broken pieces together. But now, it's beautiful.
He wants to take the broken things... and make them beautiful. He wants us to embrace the brokenness... the yucky... the hard... and allow Jesus to make it beautiful.... He really does make beautiful things out of the dust.