3 years ago... we met a boy. He was/is tenacious, funny, and rough around the edges. I used to call him my African Tarzan.
This wild and crazy little boy has become a wild at heart young man right before our eyes. He has gone from a shy, unable to express himself boy to a more mature, expressive and emotionally insightful young man. God has used him, along with my other 4, to love and encourage me. Many days, it's their words mixed with Gods that sustain me.
The other day, I received this letter. I have to share it, because it is evidence of God's goodness... His continued working in what He has started... His redemptive glory in adoption... and I hope it can encourage moms out there...
Keep going when you think you can't...
Keep teaching when you think they aren't listening...
Keep following God's word when you think no one is looking...
Because... You are making a difference. Your words stick... and so do theirs! What a gift!
"Dear Mom!!! Happy Birthday!!! You don't look like you are over 35 years the day before your birthday and you looked even more beautiful with each passing year.
I am so thankful that God created you as my second mom. You are truly the most loving, thoughtful, selfless, compassionate, caring, giving, amazing woman most people have ever seen.
You make me want to be a better man and a better father when grow up. You constantly amaze me in the ways that you care for others before yourself.
Thank you for always thinking of ways how to make me happy, for everything you do for me, I love and respect you. I am so grateful that you are my mom. I love you!!!"