Sunday, July 26, 2015

When the wheels fall off...

When the wheels fall off in life... we often times want to complain.  
We want to believe that we deserve better than this said inconvenience.  
Our minds want to start piling up the unplanned costs or the lost time. 

But what if the timing of the wheels falling off actually SAVED us from something worse? 

This week, my wheel literally fell off of my car.  Well, it really broke off. 
When I saw what had happened to the car... I became OVERWHELMED... 

with thankfulness. (and laughter) 

You see, I drive my kids 45 minutes one way down the most dangerous road in Zambia to school everyday.  It's full of trucks loading things to and from the Congo.  The condition of the roads are horrific, and we see accidents almost every day. Not fender benders... but take your life accidents. Speed and passing also become so dangerous.  
Each night as we pray, we thank God for a safe journey to and from school, and ask that He provide us with the same the next day. 

So... it just so happened the wheel on my car broke off on the road that Lifesong School is on.  Going slow.  Close to help. Safe

If it had broken off 12 hours earlier... going 100KM/hr... on a road packed with trucks... it very easily would have flipped and possibly ended in an unthinkable way. 

Provision in the broken wheel. 

His protection and love shined bright on our family in that moment of "I'm sorry, did my wheel just fall off?" 

I'm thankful that my eyes were opened to the provision that day.  And let's admit... considering the day before I made a joke that "the wheels are about to fall off" ... I found the situation quite humorous. 

Grumpiness and Gratefulness can't live together in the same heart simultaneously.  
You get to choose. 
Choose what you see. 

Sometimes what seems to be a huge disaster is actually His protection from something unknown to you at that time... 
That He chose to love us in that way... 
and protect us in that way... 
that indescribable love. 
"Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift!" 
2 Corinthians 9:15


1 comment:

  1. Proverbs 15:13 - A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit.
