Friends, Family, and Supporters…
We pray that this letter finds you well, and enjoying the
warmer weather where you are. As for us,
we are in our winter and the coolness feels nice.
Our time in Zambia is quickly coming to a close, and the
weeks and months ahead feel very scary, painful, and strange. We are certainly in the grieving process
amidst the very busy season of teams, interns, and change. Things have been given away, sold, and the
house is starting to look empty of things, but certainly not children. The house says “something big is about to
happen.” One room is piled with things
that we are bringing home. That
squeezing your life into 14 bags… again… feels familiar but unwelcome.
However, despite our own emotions, things on the ground are
going well. We continue to look forward
to 4 more boarding homes being completed by the end of the year, and a total of
100 students in boarding for next year.
Currently there are 74! Plans continue to be made towards growth for the
future, and students continue to be serious about their learning and are
producing good results. The forward
momentum continues, and will continue.
The program is solid and we have made a plan for the responsibilities to
be divided and therefore conquered.
Shane will continue to observe reports and be available to leadership on
the ground while he is in the US office.
Next year we will have our first graduating class! We so pray our family (or at least part) is
able to return for that celebration.
As in a previous email, we will remain on support for the
next 12-18 months. We so desire for you
to continue your support as our family transitions. It is necessary for us to continue with the
ministry God has placed us in. In
addition, we have some one-time needs that are coming our way because of the
relocation. We have been very blessed
with families advocating for us to collect a lot of things needed for our
return. If you have been one of those who
have donated furniture, etc… we are so so grateful.
We would be so grateful if you would consider a one-time
gift to help our family transition back to the US. Some of the one time expenses we have coming
to us are listed below:
Immigration Fees for our 2 oldest children
A second car/van for our growing family ($7,500)
Medical exams/checkups/etc for our children to
enter school ($1,000)
Plane tickets & school fees for our 2 foster
boys: Brian and Webby ($8,000)
We have not made very many requests over the last 5
years. We’ve rarely asked for an
increase in giving to our personal support.
We ask that you prayerfully consider a one-time gift to help our family
transition well. If you are unable to do
so, but able to increase giving for a period of time, we ask that you
prayerfully consider that. We look
forward to a time where we are able to transition off of support, but we always
welcome opportunities to see God’s faith stretching provision.
Beyond giving, we truly covet your prayers. There are many many details that must come
together in the next couple of weeks.
Pray for emotional endurance, a good ending of a season here in Zambia,
wisdom for the steps ahead, and the hearts of our children especially. Pray we would be wise in making the many
decisions necessary to transition from another country. Pray for the people and children we leave
behind. Pray for the VISA appointments
for our foster children, that they would be granted the student visa allowing
them to remain a part of our family.
(Surprise! Many of you didn’t know we have more than 5!) Please pray for
provision. Pray for protection for the
family we leave behind. Pray for good,
Godly friends for my children as we start a new life in Normal, IL.
Words cannot express how grateful we are to each of
you. Tears feel my eyes and my heart
feels like it will explode with gratitude.
The work that has taken place here over the last 5 years is a product of
YOUR faithfulness. It would NOT have
happened without YOU. God is at work,
and I believe that in Heaven… if not before… some of our Zambian children will
thank you. Their lives are changed
forever. And, this is not the end. My vision remains for this place and these
children. We still have work to do and
we pray you will continue that with us!
We will be sending an update as soon as we get settled in
the US. Please feel free to call us or
email us anytime. After June 16th,
you can reach us at 423-404-3334. Our
email and giving information is below.
We love you all beyond words! Nalikutemwa! (We love you!)
Mitzi, James, Paul, Zack, Kaytie, & Elijah
Giving information:
Check and Mail: Please make checks payable to “Lifesong for Orphans” and mail
them to:
Lifesong for Orphans, PO Box
40 Gridley, IL 61744
*In the memo line, please
write “McBride: 97800"
Online Giving: