Thousands of years ago, the world didn't know what they were about to behold...
The shepherds were going about their business
The inn keeper was busy preparing for the many people
Bethlehem was bustling and unknowingly standing on the hours of birthing the Savior
But then... He came, and everything changed.
(this pic hangs on our fridge drawn by Ngosa in grade 5)
This year, I find myself preparing for the celebration of the first coming, with GREAT anticipation for the second coming. While in his first coming, that first Christmas... he brought us HOPE and SALVATION... and REDEMPTION. But I am longing for the moment that He comes again and makes ALL THINGS NEW... or BEAUTIFUL.
The past few months have changed me. I continue to be changed. Sara Groves says "your pain has changed me"... and yes, it's true. It's changed my view on Christmas. I celebrate deeply the coming of our LORD... BOTH the past and the future coming.
This Christmas I'm celebrating in the Hope to come...
no hungry bellies
no abusive parents
no death
no orphans
no disease
no thieves
no pain
So, this Christmas... I will celebrate the gift of life He has given us in this time... and the gift of making all things new in the future.
Merry Christmas! Celebrate the Hope we have in Jesus!