Wednesday, February 15, 2012


God is so faithful. He sees each of our needs, and gives us an opportunity to have them met... by each other.

Here in Zambia, school uniforms are standard. To go to school is a privilege, and so is wearing a uniform. Our children at Lifesong have not had uniforms in the past. They have come to school as they are.

Recently... God orchestrated a pretty cool event which ended in Concord Christian School in Knoxville taking on a project as a school to provide uniforms for our students at Lifesong! We are so grateful! Now, children in America will have the opportunity to learn about someone else's need, and to be on mission for it. Our children here will see that God hears their prayers and is our provider.

Check out what our students had to say...



  1. What a wonderful video! It was great so see and hear the kids again and Miss Lucy too! Tell her I said. "Hi!" Glad the uniforms are coming; the kids will be thrilled. Leslie's color combination sounded great. I'll be looking forward to seeing the children singing under the mango tree in their new uniforms--- I can see it already! Tell Ezron he did a great job in the video. HE'S FAMOUS NOW! Tell him I'm SO PROUD of him. Hugs and kisses to all. Love and prayers, Grammie/Grandma

  2. BEAUTIFUL!!!:) So excited for the kiddos AND those who get to be a part of caring for them!! Just BEAUTIFUL!

  3. GREATNESS! What a tremendous blessing! I am so excited for them!
