Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The faces I live with...

*here is my disclaimer... I never intended to be a horrific blogger. I thought I would blog all the time here... afterall, I do have quite the stories to tell. However, fighting the unpredictable power, lightening strikes taking out internet, flooding in the house, balanced delicately with a very full schedule of responsibilities, blogging has proven to be difficult. :/

These are some of the faces I live with. We so often find ourselves looking at pictures, but don't fully know the child behind them.

I can say, knowing makes it all the more beautiful and painful. I never knew that the two could mix so amazingly strong... but I'm finding the true beauty of contrast: light and darkness... joy and sorrow... rejoicing and suffering.


1 comment:

  1. Looking in their eyes, I am just trying to imagine what their eyes have seen and experienced. Love on these especially for me. Tell them they are being prayed for from afar. Have you guys thought of doing a sponsorship program? Continue to always let us know how we can help and pray. Love you and your children that God has placed in your lives. Good to talk with you briefly and see your sweet face.
