Well, I have to say that while I’m
beyond thrilled to be leaving the hospital tomorrow and going home the
following day… I sit here in the silence feeling a bit nostalgic.
Yes, this week started super scary and
chaotic… but I found myself in a place abnormal from my usual life: quiet…
alone… with my biggest decision being “what should I eat for dinner?” I have to admit, it’s been kinda nice. Despite the emotional baggage I’ve been
working through with Jesus about this stay… there are so many things I don’t
want to forget.
For the first time in a LONG time, I
spent 6 days alone with my firstborn.
The first 4 days internet and phone was scarce, so we were forced to
find things to do. Some of my favorite
things have been:
*bringing the paper dot game back to
*watching zack watch TV, because we
only had one set of earphones most of the week.
*eating chocolate muffins with him. J
(yeah, that wasn’t on my diet)
*reading together snuggled up in bed
*working together on ipad games to
make it through the levels of “jellies” and “water something or another”
*talking quietly about the day as we
turned out the lights and just lay in the quietness.
*laughing uncontrollably at ourselves,
and how bad we really stink at some of these games.
*reflecting together on how Jesus is
indeed with us.
*the big stuffed dog (I’m gonna regret
that when we get to the airport)
*washing our clothes in the bathtub
with body soap (it can work peeps)
*our great nursing staff: Lucia,
Esther, and Candace. Personality galore.
*oh… and of course… the daily selfies…
So… I’m grateful for sickness this
week. Grateful for the hidden blessings
in something that doesn’t make sense to us sometimes.
Tomorrow… guaranteed I’ll be soaking
it in… because on Monday, the noise begins.