Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Post #7: About that blank sheet of paper...

On Friday, I spent much time in the word and in prayer... and God spoke to my heart deeply. That's when He gave me the post: God's invitation. That day, I told Shane that I will go to Zambia, know that God in this, but at the end of the day... my prayers have turned to him. "I will stay if God tells you to stay, and I will go if God tells you to go." While we have been praying with and for each other for the last 16 days now, I knew God was asking me to release the burden of the decision. I am in it, feeling completely called, or I will wait if God is leading us to wait. Since Friday, I have felt a huge release, and joy in knowing that God will confirm to Shane His will for our family... and I don't have to make that decision.

Shane has been absolutely experiencing God's call, and he has certainly seen God working in this situation in amazing ways. He is cautious, and should be, because we are his responsibility. He has already relinquished "perceived control" of provision to God ... and now he has to do that with "perceived protection." It is hard for a man, because God wired them to provide and protect. Shane does this, amazingly... and honestly, I'm grateful for a husband who is clearly depending upon the one true source of our provision and protection rather than believing He is enough. That brings true security. But, nevertheless, that is a process that is H.A.R.D.

After spending time in the word yesterday, He indicated that God had spoken to him clearly and directly, and that more than likely we would let Lifesong know that we would like to continue walking this path, feeling God is clearly opening doors and possibly putting before us the work He has prepared for us in advance to do.

Today, on the way to church, He said... "Yes, we want to move forward." Our "yes" is on the table and God can do with it what He wants. wow. That feeling in my stomach was a mix of complete joy in Christ and bats flapping around! But don't you know, God doesn't leave room for doubt... I am so grateful. We get to our small group for church, and one of our friends is teaching in James 3 about wisdom. Wisdom, Discernment, and Knowledge. At the end, He basically handed out a blank sheet of paper and asked us to consider "putting our yes on the table to God"... (exact words he used, mind you)... signing a blank sheet of paper and giving it to God... no exceptions... no expectations beyond what we know is true about God... and allowing Him to use our lives however he wants. Well... we had officially done that in the car on the way to church... and now we have the blank paper... signed by us to prove it... ha. God is good to speak to us in so many different ways, even when the speaker is COMPLETELY UNKNOWING about our situation. God is good... and this is just another way He is showing us that He loves us dearly, and has invited us into something amazing that He is doing... on the other side of the world. So, we will send off our "yes" and see what God does with that... nothing definite, but God's certainly up to something...
Completely Undone...


  1. LOOOOOOVE this sister. And so excited for your family as you follow Him!!!!!

  2. WOW! Praying with an anxious excitement!;)

  3. A.MAZ.ING..... blown away, continually!

  4. Hee hee... HE is SO cool. Praying for y'all...

  5. I want to say how amazing...but then I realize how well God orchestrates things. It's all in his plans and in his time.

  6. Clarity is a beautiful thing. Love you and so excited for you guys!

  7. Love this- God is amazing. Thanks for following Him faithfully and sharing it with all of us!
