Tuesday, September 21, 2010

USCIS news....

Well friends... I've had a productive am thanks to my God-send Ms. M for helping me a couple of mornings a month! I have mailed off documents for authentication in Austin (because I have no time to drive there myself+3) and I spoke with USCIS. I got the sweetest lady on the phone, Praise God, and she was looking up our case. We aren't in the system yet because the Dallas office was 6 weeks LATE on mailing the stuff to the NBC. (National Benefits Center, not the TV station..ha) BUT this lady was so sweet and looked for 20 minutes. She FINALLY found my request and said that she would amend the 171h to special needs TODAY and get it in the mail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY JESUS!!! This is the LAST document missing from the dossier. SO, it looks like my prayer of getting my dossier to Ethiopia by court re-opening is going to happen! YAY! AJ.. we are coming!!!!!! I can't say how great that makes me feel... to be honest, I haven't spent a ton of emotional energy in the adoption process to this point because so many things have been out of my control. (lesson learned from adoption #1)... This has freed me up to be available for my 3 at home. I say this because I don't find myself with a "lot of extra" to give... so I'm excited to be excited!

I was asked the other day (I get asked a lot of questions)... if we were going to hault our adoption or change to a healthy infant if E tested positive for CF (October 5th...pray). I have to be honest, Mr. McB and I have prayed about this. We want to be CERTAIN that we are still moving in the direction that God wants us to go. AND as CRAZY as it seems, God has given us great peace that we are moving in the RIGHT direction. Although, HE assured that HE is setting the pace of this adoption and it may NOT be the pace I WANT, but that I NEED. So... we move forward, trusting God's timing. If E has CF, then we will just have 2 children with chronic illnesses. BUT, E has asthma so severe, that the treatment wouldn't be that different, from my understanding. The difference would be the long term outcome... and THAT I'm NOT dwelling on right now. No need to "borrow trouble" as my friend said...

God is Good... He gives us what we need... He equips us for the calling... He gives joy... speaking of joy.. please look at these and LAUGH with me!!!

1 comment:

  1. AWWWW ... LOVE those McB kiddos! So excited God showed off today through that lady!! :)
